Jazzahead i Bremen 28 april – 1 maj 2022
Planerar du att åka till Jazzahead i Bremen 2022? Läs mer om mässan här (vi återkommer i början av nästa år med mer info).
Här kommer en första kort info om hur du blir ”co-exhibitor” till den svenska montern där Export Music Sweden står som värd (dvs. exhibitor). Och glöm inte att använda rabattkoden – OBS! Gäller bara svenska deltagare.
Jazzahead! co-exhibitor registration 2022:
1. To register for the next jazzahead! , please click here for the overview or directly on co-exhibitor registration form.
2. If you do not have an account with jazzahead! you must register as a new user first. If you already have an account, you can login directly.
3. The stand number of the umbrella stand “your company name” is 5A23 and the contact is “your contact person”.
4. The discount code JA22RC6US can be entered in the last step just before payment. The price should be reduced to 135 € + 19% VAT.
5. The terms of participation and cancellation for co-exhibitors can be found here.
6. After your registration as a co-exhibitor you can find the participants portal here.