The Midnight Orchestra

The Midnight Orchestra - songs about the sea, the moon and night trams
The eight-man band from Gothenburg has its own tone somewhere in the field between visa, chanson, chamber music, tango and jazz. Fine-tuned melancholy and nighttime atmosphere are special characteristics. Music and lyrics are written by David Löfberg, who plays accordion in the orchestra, which also consists of singer Elina Ryd, string quartet, guitar and bass. Since the start in 2009, the orchestra has played in many contexts such as music festivals, summer churches and various concert stages. The Midnight Orchestra likes to perform completely unamplified (when the acoustics allow it) except for a microphone for the vocals, and with the audience close in. In 2014, the album "Over the city's roof" was released, which received a very good reception, and in 2023, the album "Yllefilt" came out, which won the "SHOW OF THE YEAR" award at the Manifest Gala in 2024 with the following justification: "For its self-evident melodies and playful lyrics, framed by a musically compliant comp with nods to, among other things, Taube, klezmer and jazz. Just as the title suggests, a record that wraps itself warmly around the listener and makes them dream away to the East, the West and all the way into the cosmos.” But it is in the live context, in the moment with the audience when the music is alive, that the Midnattsorkestern thrives best.
The Midnight Orchestra consists of eight musicians:
Elina Ryd - song
Linnea Hällqvist - violin
Button Brita Pettersson - violin
Maria Johnson - viola
Stina Larsdotter – cello
Gustav Jullander – guitar
Johan Bengtsson – bass
David Löfberg - music, lyrics, arrangements and accordion