Apply with concert videos to Live Music From Sweden
(Feel free to switch to Google-English above 😊)
The application is open for Swedish professional artists and music groups' current concert films. The application can be made by artists and musicians themselves (both members of the Music Center and others), companies or organizations. Selection will take place on an ongoing basis.
Below you will find criteria, requirements and application forms!
The showcase platform Live Music From Sweden is the national investment with the aim is to reach the international industry with current forces with current Swedish live music in showcase format, ie. max 15 minutes long. The platform will be used actively in connection with trade fairs such as Jazzahead, Womex, Classical Next, Reeperbahn Festival and SXSW.
Behind the investment is Music center, Export Music Sweden and The administration for cultural development in VGR and Music in the South.
The goal is to jointly establish a digital, live shop window for highly topical live music from Sweden. And here, of course, the content is absolutely crucial.
Live Music From Sweden is a Vimeo channel that is also launched via the website
Criteria for application:
- Live Music From Sweden will present professional music groups and artists from all genres.
- A qualitative presentation material by artist / group must be available in English (image, text, web).
- As the target group is primarily international, all text needs to be in English and possibly Swedish speech needs to be translated.
- Access to high-definition film and rights to the film are needed. The project stands for logo that is cut in as an intro to the concert film.
- Concerts from 2019 at the earliest are accepted.
- Artistic quality, interaction and communication with the audience / camera are assessed.
- An intersectional perspective and musical breadth and edge must be included when the selection is made.
Requirements for the film:
- Resolution: Full HD 1080, Format: Mp4, Size: 16: 9. Need help? Contact
- The concert film, a maximum of 15 minutes long - a cohesive clip from a concert is linked to the application. We also approve composite clips from concerts, but the film will present entire songs.
- The applicant must own all rights to the material.
- Pre- and post-text must be edited in the film. However, this can in special cases be fixed by the project.
Guidelines for texts in the film:
- Recommended font: Work Sans, but artistic freedom is accepted! Important to think about readability.
- In film texts, the artist / group name and name / logo for those who produced the film must be included. The date of the concert, concert venue, musicians, instruments, names of songs, authors and possibly publishing rights, technicians / companies and possibly Other Services.
- We recommend that only artist / group names be added as prefixes and that most of the information be added as subtitles.
- When a movie is selected, the high-resolution MP4 file should be sent via Wetransfer or similar to a designated email address.
Application form Live Music From Sweden
The application can be made by artists and musicians themselves, companies or organizations. Selection will take place continuously during the year. Do not wait to apply. NOTE - Be sure to use Google Chrome as your browser when filling out the form (and avoid Safari).