Ulrika Ölund

Ulrika Ölund

Countrydoftande singer/songwriter

Ulrika Ölund är en etablerad artist på pop/country/americana-scenen, känd för sina minnesvärda melodier och berättande texter i en stil som närmast kan beskrivas som countrypop. Med framträdanden i Europa och USA, kritikerrosade skivsläpp, och framgångsrika placeringar i musiktävlingar, har hon byggt en gedigen karriär.

Ulrika har sina rötter i Västernorrland men bor nu i Göteborg, och Nashville, TN, är hennes musikaliska hem. Genom åren har hon samarbetat med flera Nashville-baserade låtskrivare. Sedan hennes debut-EP 2008 har hon släppt ett album och flera singlar, inklusive P4-favoriterna ”Home” och ”Trains”.

Hennes repertoar består av egenskrivet material, men även lånade tongångar, både på svenska och engelska.

För mer info besök: www.ulrikaolund.com



“(..) it gets mighty emotional when Ölunds slow swaying melodies and calm cocktail of Nashville influenced country sound and modern pop is being played. Her shivering and beautiful voice echoes over her twanged chords. Really skilfully performed” – Dagbladet

”(..)she writes countrypop like she’s never done anything else. Ulrika Ölund who’s already an established name in the songwriter industry will continue take the stage with the world as an audience.” – Groove

“Her vocal performance is flawless. When she fires her charming smile, behind the microphone during a perfect chorus, she feels like a star” – Sundsvalls Tidning

” (..) music fans are going to love this young woman’s music and they will soon be tapping their toes, nodding their heads and when they learn the words they will be singing along to her songs, as they play on the radio.” – Riveting Riffs Magazine, Canada

“In her songs Ulrika tells real-life stories, about her home and about love. ‘Paper Planes and Skylines’ contains 10 tracks and has a mixture of traditional Nashvillesound and modern pop. A modern, happy country album that gets stuck in your head.” –  Country Mag, DE

”Ulrika’s melodies shine in a manner that is understated but also very instant, highlighting her impressively watertight songcraft and very capable, insightful lyricism. Her voice, in its quivering, charming soprano, is versatile but very distinctive and pretty, and I’m sure she will go down a storm” – For The Country Record, US