Sustain-webbinarium 7 december
— Developments & opportunities in music x Web3
Musikcentrums seminarieserie Sustain fortsätter på temat ny teknologi för musiker. Den 7 december möter vi Eddie Walker, rådgivare till startups inom musik- och teknologiområdet. Eddie kommer ge sina bästa exempel på hur du som musikskapare kan dra nytta av den senaste utvecklingen.
Webbinariet med Eddie Walker hålls på engelska:
Where is disruption happening in the music industry right now? What new opportunities are there for independent artists, musicians, producers and managers looking to explore and experiment with new web3 platforms and technologies?
This interactive talk and discussion will provide practical and recent examples of new web3 startups, platforms, use cases and commercial models, across key themes such as performance, production, licensing, publishing, distribution, content, monetisation and merchandise.
Eddie Walker is the founder of Whyre — a venture advisory firm that specializes in supporting new technologies, startups and investors in music, arts, media, gaming and web3.
När: 7 december kl. 14.00-15.30
Var: zoom
Anmälan: görs senast den 6 december (länk hittas via vårt senaste medlemsutskick på mail)